Ironman Family Ironman’ triathlon is an endurance sport, which involves swimming, cycling and running over a course of some 140 miles. For the last 8 years I have actively competed in ‘Ironman’ races all over the world. I have made many new friends in the sport. What has always struck me about these people is just how diverse they are. I wanted to capture this through a series of portraits of my extended ‘Ironman Family’. Beforehand, I had asked each of them to wear something that signifies ‘Ironman’ for them - anything from race kit to a simple finisher’s bracelet. Ironman Family is part of my broader inquiry into strategies portrait photographers use for ‘disarming the pose’ of their subjects. Keith Greenough, January 2013 Ironman Family was exhibited at the [(6)] Exhibition at Bank Street Arts in Sheffield in July 2014